The official history is made up of ideal events, magnificent characters and a desire to remain over time in relation to the human fear of death, something that we can find in almost all monuments: The great pantheons, from the pyramids, the columns , bows or the tomb of the unknown soldier. From this position, a good part of the memory is lost because it fails to become part of recognized, official or dominant historiographies. In accordance with this, it is important to visualize that when structuring historiographic processes or the consolidation of memories or common pasts, all the agents involved: people, situations, events, entities, places produce a space in which there is a social dispute, who or what? Is it important? Who or what should appear in the story? Even why? What for? and for who it is? stories are structured and disseminated. This workshop seeks to broaden the edge, blur the historical linearities to generate divergent, crossed trajectories. Human activities are complex, relative, memory is not always stable, so history must have a moving edge.