INES-Matriarchive – Geografías Disidentes
Seminar, June 18 and 19, 2024. Cali Colombia
Facultad de Artes Visuales & Fundación Humana Integral
With the support of Banco de La República, Cali Colombia
About The Seminar
What do feminist, queer, cuir historiographies, curatorships, and artistic practices imply regarding race, gender, and social class? Beyond the quota of the presence of women or bodies of color and non-heteronormated bodies in the production of exhibitions and the construction of historical stories resisting or revealing oneself to the patterns of invisibility requires strategies and tools that allow a fracture in the production, organization, and dissemination of artistic and academic practices that distance themselves from heteronormative and patriarchal thinking. The art world has arguably benefited from increased attention and adoption of decolonial and feminist theories in academic, artistic, and curatorial practice in recent years. Although it is relevant that we have had curatorships and historiographies available that make information, knowledge, and previously hidden or silenced bodies visible, one of the formidable current challenges is “finding more effective ways of stating things”[1]. That is to say, a turn towards the dual imperatives of feminist interventions in art history is currently required: on the one hand, making artists visible and, at once, profoundly engaging with how these works and their visibility intervene in our understanding of the entire history of art and artistic production. The ¨INES¨ Seminar “Dissident Geographies” will occur in Cali, Colombia, on June 17 and 18 this year.
The Seminar, “Dissident Geographies, Research and Curatorial Experiences in Contrast,” aims to analyze research experiences in the arts that work from various perspectives of analysis on the curatorial and museography possibilities of working with the archive, memory, and territory.
INES-Matriarchiva is a platform that disseminates, makes visible, and articulates information, which is only evident by generating intersections that diverge from traditional ways of producing knowledge. Transdisciplinary, intersectional, and decolonial work produces methodologies that can enlighten memories, bodies, and knowledge otherwise obscured by conditions of race, social class, and gender, and so forth.
Unyielding Bodies is a seminar that investigates and puts on the discussion table transdisciplinary work, challenges, tools, and solutions that, as theorists and artists, we have faced, developed and shaped to bring to light contents that under the traditional colonial forms of historiography or artistic production may prove impossible.
The event is free and open to the general public.
Instituto Departamental de Bellas Artes
Rector José Albeiro Romero Ceballos
Facultad de Artes Visuales y Aplicadas
Decano: Alberto Campuzano.
Fundación Humana Integral: Dra. Katherine Martínez
La Matriarchiva: Dra. Yohanna M Roa
Área Cultural del Banco de la República: Darnelly Vera García
Dirección general- Dra. Yohanna M Roa
Coordinación- Dra. Adriana Castellanos Olmedo.
Apoyo logístico- Yolanda Ospina, Leidy Silva.
Comunicaciones- Paola González
Diseño de piezas gráficas- Juanita García.
Registro audiovisual- María del Mar Castro
María Evelia Marmolejo
Darnelly Vera
María del Mar Núñez
Agradecimientos especiales, a todxs lxs participantxs del Seminario.