provoking the archives is a project of interventions that establish relationships between everyday life and archives.
Who owns the Memory that a archive contains?
Does the archive or memory exist, unused?
Are all uses of the archive specialized?
How do I use a archive if I am not a researcher?
Provocations to the archive was an activation carried out to the archive of the Alameda Art Laboratory in Mexico city, visitors interacted with a previous selection of documents and established relationships from their daily lives.
Individual, family and personal memories are usually put on the sidelines when configuring historical trajectories to give relevance to events that are considered significant and give meaning to an idea of a nation, homeland, country, or even The History itself. Therefore, many memories are lost because they fail to become part of recognized historiographies. It is important to visualize that when structuring historiographic processes, all the agents involved: people, situations, events, entities, and places produce a space in which there is a social dispute; who or what is essential? Who or what should appear in history? Even why? For what? And for who is it? History is structured and disseminated. This workshop seeks to expand the edge and blur historical linearities to generate divergent, crossed trajectories. Human activities are complex and relative, and memory is not always stable, so history must have a moving edge.